God's Children Got Wings:
to Former Slaves of Texas
Theodore Bolton
Former Slave Harriet Jones with Daughter and Granddaughter, Clarksville |
This is a pictorial tribute to former slaves. Hopefully, this site will invoke their memory and put a face on slavery. All of these picture are from the Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 website and are in the public domain and can be use as you like. The listed city is the city where the interview was taken. In some cases the interviewee lived his or her life in another city, thus it is recommended that the narrative be read. I have added a link to a page of slavery resources. |
You can read their narratives at these
sites. Texas
Slave Narratives
Index |
My other sites | ||||||||||||
AfroTexan Historical and Genealogical Resources | ||||||||||||
All God's Children Got Wings: Tribute to Former Slaves of Texas | ||||||||||||
When Freedom Cried Out The Freedmen's Bureau in Texas | ||||||||||||
Union League of Texas Freedmen's Bureau Political Counterpart | ||||||||||||
on my Feet African
American Laws of 19th-Century Texas A Penny Here, A Penny There Historically Black Colleges In Texas |
African Americans in Camp County The Early Years | ||||||||||||
African Americans in Harrison County The Early Years | ||||||||||||
African Americans in Marion County The Early Years | ||||||||||||
African Americans in Upshur County The Early Years | ||||||||||||
The Bolton Community of Camp / Upshur The Early Years | ||||||||||||
Your Bible (My first site) Some of my favorite scriptures | ||||||||||||
Old Buildings of Harrison County Most built by slave labor | ||||||||||||
Historic Buildings of Marion County Most built by slave labor labor | ||||||||||||
Disclaimer If you are aware of any potential issues concerning copyright at this site, please inform the webmaster ( It is our policy to honor copyrights, and we will remove any copyrighted material immediately. |