Saint Philip's College
Historically Black College




Principal : Miss A. Bowden.

A girls' school of elementary grade with a few pupils in secondary classes and a small number of boarders. Instruction in cooking and sewing is provided. The institution is soon to be moved to a suburban community of colored people.
The school began as a Saturday sewing class conducted by the St. Philip's Church for colored people. It is now owned by the Episcopal diocese of west Texas and is largely supported by the board of missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church.

Attendance.—Total, 73; elementary 68, secondary 5. All but 24 of the pupils are from San Antonio.

Teachers.—Total, 4; all colored; all female. There were two additional part-time teachers.

Financial, 1913-14.—As far as could be determined the more important financial items were—

Income, excluding noneducational receipts $2,500
Expenditures 2,500
Value of plant 25,000

Sources of income: Episcopal Board, $1,800; northern friends, $400; special donation, $200; other sources, $100. The noneducational receipts were from the boarding department. The entire income of the department was used for its maintenance

Items of expenditure: Teachers' salaries, $2,000; running expenses, $500.

Plant.—Land: Estimated value, $2,000. The land comprises a part of a city block.

Buildings: Estimated value, $18,000. There are four buildings. The main building, a two-story brick structure, contains classrooms. The other buildings are the teachers' cottage, a small dormitory, and the laundry.

Movable equipment.—Estimated value, $5,000. The equipment consists of dormitory furniture, and fairly good classroom and domestic science equipment.

Recommendations.—1. That the officers of the institution be encouraged in the plan to move the school to a suburban community and adapt the work to the needs of rural pupils.
2. That the theory and practice of gardening be made a part of the regular course.1

Date of visit: March, 1914. Facts verified, 1915.

Sketch from Negro Education: A Study of the Private and Higher Schools


