The Afro Texan Press 

The Early Years



Allan Ralph Griggs

Allan Ralph Griggs 

Allan Ralph Griggs was born of slave parents in Hancock county, Georgia, about 1850. His father's name was Sutton; his mother, Brazilia, belonged to a family by the name of Griggs. He remembers seeing his mother but twice, the last time after he had been sold at auction. He was taken to Grimes county, Texas, where he labored on a farm till 1867. He was converted in 1869, licensed and ordained in 1874. In 1875 he became pastor of the Baptist church in Dallas; while here he attended Ministers' Institutes, under the auspices of the Home Mission Society. In . 1881 he aided in the founding of Bishop College, and became one of its trustees. In 1886 he entered Richmond Theological Seminary, where he remained two sessions. He has been president of the National Baptist Convention, and is now superintendent of missions and educational agent in Texas. He is editor and publisher of the National Baptist Bulletin.

Sketch from The Story of a Rising Race: The Negro in Revelation
by James Jefferson Pipkin  - 1902 



